Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Slacking on the blog already BUT I am exercising!

Yep, I am already behind! I got sick last week and that lasted over 5 DAYS!! I have not been sick in years! My oldest dd also was sick and hers lasted for about a week so I shouldn't be complaining!

In any case, there is so much to tell so I may have to do a couple of separate blogs as to not overwhelm you with an entire section! LOL!! Hmmm, where to start. Well I supposed what I will do is start with the last few days and work backwards.

I started working out on Monday and even went yesterday and plan on going again today! However I already a week behind, due to being sick. But better late than never! Nothing too exciting to tell about that but I am hoping to make it an almost everyday thing. Monday I ran on the treadmill...well really I walked, for about 30 minutes and then did crunches. Yesterday I used the elliptical machine (there were people already on the treadmills) and I actually like that better. GO FIGURE!! We had bought an elliptical machine a few years ago and even brought it here to Japan with us and guess what? WE NEVER USED IT! So we sold it and NOW we could be using it. LOL!! Isn't that usually how things go? In any case, I used that and burned double the calories that I had done on the treadmill the day before and I only did that one for 18 minutes! And again I did some crunches. Time was of the essence since I was starting back to work and had to be there at 10. So I managed to get in 30 minutes of exercise before running home to shower and heading off to work. Hey, 30 minutes is 30 minutes more than I was doing before so any time spent exercising is a step in the right direction. :o)

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